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Kieran Wu

  • Bachelor of Physiotherapy
    Bachelor of Science

Kieran Wu graduated from Melbourne University with a Bachelor of Science before completing a Bachelor of Physiotherapy at Charles Sturt University. During university, Kieran studied a variety of health-related fields, including human anatomy and nutritional sciences. His academic journey has given him clinical experience working in Geelong Hospital’s emergency department and fracture clinics.

Kieran developed a passion for hand therapy during his final clinical placement at university. He believes this passion grew from his interest in the anatomy of the upper limb and seeing the direct impact that hand therapy can have on someone’s life. Kieran’s venture into physiotherapy is also closely intertwined with his passion for rock climbing. As a dedicated climbing enthusiast for five years, he deeply understands the importance of hand health. This personal connection fuels his dedication to providing specialized care for upper limb injuries, emphasizing the restoration of strength, flexibility, and functionality to help individuals achieve their goals.

Kieran strives to help patients return to their pre-injury level, whether that be work, sport, or anything that is important to them. He particularly enjoys staying up-to-date with the latest hand therapy research and developing tailored rehabilitation programs for his patients.

Outside of work, you’ll find Kieran rock climbing in the Grampians, exploring every inch of Mount Hotham on a snowboard, or playing badminton. Kieran now dedicates his time to Action Rehab, supporting people to overcome their upper limb injuries.

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Action Rehab - Hand Therapy Melbourne


Action Rehab provides assessment and treatment for all conditions relating to the upper limb, including scaphoid fractures. Come and see our highly qualified and friendly staff today at a location convenient to you.