Elbow Treatment


Conveniently located throughout Melbourne and Gippsland

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Have you been experiencing pain or tenderness on the outside of the elbow, sometimes extending down the forearm to the wrist? Or you might have noticed it too when bending the wrist back and forwards. You’ve come to the right place.

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Wrist immobilisation orthosis to rest the ECRB/ECRL tendons. Water proof orthosis for 4-6 weeks followed by radial head stabilisation program.


There are many existing theories as to the cause of tennis elbow. Historically, there has been much debate about whether or not Tennis Elbow is inflammatory or it is a tendonopathy? Debate continues however, on the whole, tennis elbow is generally viewed as a loss of core stability in the elbow and an overuse of the wrist muscles that insert into the elbow. So a wrist motion that hurts at the elbow, yes. In basic terms, when a tendon is stressed repeatedly to the point that the stress exceeds the tendon’s level of tolerance, microtears occur that lead to degenerative changes within the tendon. This then leads to an instability at the elbow and a loss of strength. The human body compensates for this loss of stability and strength by swelling the elbow joint (microscopically) and this can put pressure on the nerves.

Tennis elbow involves inflammation and degeneration of the Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis (ECRB) tendon where it inserts into the elbow (lateral epicondyle). This muscle is a pure wrist extensor and so the demand placed upon it during forceful and repeated wrist extension is high. Add to that, age (weakening the tendons and the muscles) and then activity (bricklaying, typing) and it is not surprising that the tendons of this muscle can tear.

Tennis elbow treatment melbourne

An injury or tear to the lateral epicondyle may decrease the stability of the elbow. At Action Rehab our therapists focus on restoring stability to the muscles around the elbow that provide this stability.

It is really important that your therapist is able to identify the source of your pain or instability and the complexities associated with diagnosing Tennis Elbow.


Tennis Elbow requires a thorough physical examination by an experienced hand therapist, once the diagnosis is complete, a treatment plan is prepared to get you back to the things you love. Action Rehab hand therapists will ask, where the pain is, what sort of pain is it (shooting? burning?). Action Rehab hand therapists will assess your strength, your motion and your occupations to see what the symptoms and most importantly what the cause may be. In most cases, your medical history and physical exam will be enough for us to make a diagnosis. However, if an MRI, ultrasound or X-Ray is required our Physiotherapists, and Occupational Therapists can read and interpret the results. 

Call us on 1300 762 227 for an appointment, or schedule an appointment online by clicking the button below.

Our Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists have extensive knowledge and experience in assessing, diagnosing, treating, and managing your hand and upper extremity – your shoulder, elbow, wrist, and hand – injuries or conditions, so you know you’re in good hands.

The hand therapists at Action Rehab are experienced in the assessment and treatment of tennis elbow injuries. With a reputation endorsed by sporting organisations like the Melbourne Football Club, Action Rehab is the smart choice for treating your tennis elbow.

Get on the road to recovery, so you can do the things you love.

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Most patients have pain or tenderness on the outside of the elbow, sometimes extending down the forearm to the wrist that can be assessed and treated at Action Rehab. Patients can present with stiffness, difficulty of movement, pain and weakness when performing simple gestures or actions such as opening jars, shaking hands or opening doors.

  • Pain/tenderness on the outside of your elbow, and possibly down the forearm to the wrist
  • Pain when bending the wrist backwards or forwards
  • Pain when shaking hands or undoing jars, bottles or doors
  • Stiffness of, or difficulty moving, the elbow
  • Stiffness and/or tenderness of the neck, shoulder, elbow and wrist

The problem may become chronic and very painful if there is instability in the elbow and the tears are not given adequate time to heal, strengthen, and stabilise.

Tennis elbow | action rehab


Action Rehab hand therapists have treated a vast number of Tennis Elbow patients. Our treatment will focus on the “cause” of your symptoms.  Most Tennis Elbow treatments include soft tissue massage,  exercise, weights and stretching.

The aim of Hand Therapy for this condition is to try to provide pain relief by supporting the wrist and increasing strength and stability in the wrist extensors, pronators and supinators and the elbow stabilisers. 

Once your Hand Therapist has diagnosed the problem they’ll provide education to help you understand your Tennis Elbow and where the cause is coming from. Is it inflammatory? Is it a tear? Is it unstable? Your treatment will then be tailored to get you back full function as soon as possible.

So to get on top of your Tennis Elbow condition,  get a diagnosis, treatment plan, and return to full function sooner.

  • Soft-tissue massage
  • Strengthening and core stabilisation exercises for the forearm
  • A brace or taping when appropriate
  • Gradual return to activity

At Action Rehab we will tailor a core stabilisation treatment program specifically for your condition. Your Action Rehab Hand Therapist, Physiotherapist or Occupational Therapist will help you to understand your injury and prescribe a treatment plan for it.

Action rehab - dislocated elbow treatment melbourne

How to Prevent Tennis Elbow Injury?

The best thing you can do to prevent tennis elbow is to have strong core stability. As we age we tend to work in more sedentary jobs and we weaken our core stabilisers. Our elbow is a good example of that. Your Hand Therapist at Action Rehab can teach you core strengthening exercises that can help you return to full function.

To make an appointment, enquire, or find your closest location call us on 1300 762 227 or schedule an appointment online.

To Book Call Us On 1300 762 227

Call us on 1300 762 227 for an appointment, or schedule an appointment online by clicking the button below.


Tennis elbow is generally viewed as a loss of core stability in the elbow, and an overuse of the wrist muscles that insert into the elbow. So, in basic terms it is a wrist motion that hurts at the elbow.

It is very common in people over 40. The condition is common across many types of sports and jobs that require repetitive bending of the wrist in a backward direction (such as typing).

Tennis elbow can develop in a number of ways. It could be that you’re trying a new gym program, and you’re a bit out of condition, or it might be your technique, or maybe an imbalance somewhere along the chain from your neck to your fingers (quite possibly it is all the above) – either way if you suspect something might be developing, or if you want to be proactive and prevent it from happening, see Action Rehab as soon as possible.

Yes, tennis elbow can be seriously debilitating. The problem can become chronic if the tears are not given adequate time to heal, and you are not shown how to safely train to increase your core stability of the elbow. The aim of therapy for this condition is to reduce pain by supporting the wrist and increasing strength and stability in wrist and elbow stabilisers.

Yes, they are actually completely different and treated in completely different ways. Golfer’s elbow is much more about bending the elbow and tennis elbow is actually a repetitive wrist injury! Treatment is not the same and an expert assessment will help you understand if you have one or the other.

Tennis Elbow healing will depend on your treatment. Commonly it can take 6-12 months for Tennis Elbow symptoms to settle.  Hand Therapists at Action Rehab will try to help you return to full function much sooner.


Yes it can. Some people live with the condition, and it can just recover however it may take up to 12 months. It also depends on the severity. In severe cases surgery can be required to help the elbow to heal.

At Action Rehab tennis elbow is commonly initially treated with a wrist brace to take pressure off the common extensor origin or lateral epicondyle. Once the symptoms have settled  then tennis elbow patients are started on a core stabilisation and strengthening program for the wrist and elbow.

Rarely. In severe cases that fail with conservative treatment and stabilisation. Surgery should be the last resort as patients still require a lot of strengthening and stabilisation post-surgery.


Action Rehab provide assessment and treatment for all conditions relating to the upper limb, include scaphoid fractures. Come and see our highly qualified and friendly staff today at a location convenient to you.